Agriculture Machinery
AGTE Limited offers a full range of new farm equipment including tractors, combine harvesters, round and square balers, wheeled loaders, tele-handlers (telescopic handlers), cultivation equipment, crop sprayers, hedge and grass verge mowers, agricultural trailers, baling equipment, lawnmowers, grounds-care equipment. Our company stocks an extensive range of agricultural parts for customers to help keep your machinery running on the farm day in, day out.
Agricultural machinery is machinery used in farming or other agriculture. There are many types of such equipment, from hand tools and power tools to tractors and the countless kinds of farm implements that they tow or operate. Diverse arrays of equipment are used in both organic and nonorganic farming. Especially since the advent of mechanised agriculture, agricultural machinery is an indispensable part of how the world is fed. Combines might have taken the harvesting job away from tractors, but tractors still do the majority of work on a modern farm. They are used to push/pull implements—machines that till the ground, plant seed, and perform other tasks.